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Cultural Exchange

Cultural intelligence is a crucial skill in today's world.  As we are working and living in multicultural communities, acquiring a different set of perspectives, knowledge and skills is important in order to succeed in any area of life.  Therefore, gaining knowledge about other cultures is no longer optional!

The CELC Mobile Lab provides an opportunity for residents, leaders of commerce, government, social and faith sectos to experience the rich culture of diverse people groups represented in Ohio and our world through a celebration of “language.”  Within the Columbus MSA and throughout the state of Ohio there is a representation of 141 foreign languages (OSU Center for Language, Literature and Culture).   At its core, CELC is designed to recognize the value every ethnicity and cultural group adds to a flourishing community and economy.  It is intended to enhance Diversity-Equity-Inclusion-and-Belonging (DEIB), increase access, expand bridges of peace, strengthen cross-cultural communication and relationships in every sector of our diverse society.


Communication, Economic , Education and Social Impact

Increasing our communication tools through sampling other languages is an easy way to increase cultural intelligence.  The world is full of languages! According to the Office of Foreign Language  Programs of the Modern Language Association, studying a second language can improve a students' skills and grades in math and English and can improve entrance exam scores -- SATs, ACTs, GREs, MCATs, and LSATs?  Also, more and more employers are hiring bi-lingual employees to work closely with their global supply chains and markets. They need many different kinds of workers who can communicate in different languages (foreign and industry) and understand other cultures. No matter what career you choose, if you've learned a second language, you'll have a real advantage.


Also, developing a repertoire of communication tools is essential for success in global commerce, social enterprise and greater community impact. Those with high cultural intelligence are attuned to the values, beliefs, attitudes, and body language of people from different cultures; and they use this knowledge to interact with empathy and understanding.


CELC Program Coordinator


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The Cultural Exchange Langue Cafe (CELC) Mobile Lab  is elevated from Acts 2 validating the gift of languages in many contexts, cross-cultural relationships and healthly understanding of flourishing communities in multilingual environments. CELC is an opportunity for people from every walk of life and country to experience the rich culture of diverse people groups represented in our world through a celebration of “language.”  The CELC byproduct is designed to increase appreciation for language as well as encourage adults, children and youth to enroll in language classes offered in schools and through community-based organizations.   Finally, it will enrich the relational and economic impact of Cultural Intelligence in community and commerce.


Discover new worlds! Get an insider's view of another culture and a new view of your own. Studying a new language, reading other people's stories, and connecting with people in their own language can be a source of pleasure and surprise. 


Connect with other cultures. Learning about other cultures will help you expand your personal horizons and become a responsible citizen. Your ability to talk to others and gain knowledge beyond the world of English or your native language can contribute to your community and your country. 


Experience the CELC Mobile Lab: People can experience the interactive cultural intelligence and exchange at various events hosted throughout Central Ohio. Guests can learn basic common words, phrases, numbers, currency and days of the week in 4 to 5 foreign languages from a menu of 15 while rotating language stations. CELC events are a fun safe space to also practice ESL (English As A Second Language).


A Conversation Information Guide booklet, encompassing all the languages offered, is gifted to each guest. We believe the conversation guide will help in our daily communication with  people from diverse communities—at work, school or play. The CELC exprience would also increase your appetite to sample more languages.  Remember, you are more likely to win the trust and friendship of people whose languages you embrace and know. Your ability to talk to others and gain knowledge beyond the world of English or your mother tongue will contribute to your family, community, career and our world.


The Menu of Languages (changes at each Cafe):  Arabic, English, French, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Mandarin, Nepali,  Pashto, Pilipino, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, and Twi .


CELC Collaborative (2018 - Current Partners/Sponsors/Supporters):  Afrikconnect, Inc.; Amercian Services And Protection, LLC;  Columbus City Schools; CIS of Central Ohio; CPMM Services; Eastside Fellowship Ministry; ETSS Social Services, Farhat Advanced Learning; G.A.C. Consulting Services, LLC; Goode Solutions Corp.; Joint-Heir Ministries;  Paramount Advantage Health; Patch Works Ministries, COSTCO, Two Birds One Stone Learning; ; and OSU Center for Languages, Literatures and Cultures (CLLC).

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