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Signature Resources                                                        Interpreters & Translation Available

Int'l School of Entrepreneurship
 & Leadership Development (iSELD)

The purpose of iSELD is to increase the capacity of leaders, teams, entrepreneurs, in-business owners, ministries, faith and community-based organizations to serve people, communities and nations in every pillar of society.  Our primary focus is on training and equipping fellow joint-heirs who are “called” to serve in the marketplace of commerce. JHM equipping assignment is to send forth and support with Kingdom minded wisdom tools, proven principles and next generation practices that maximize personal and organizational potential to yield results of lasting fruit--success. For the thousands of existing, emerging and mature leaders around the globe the JHM iSELD is a primary source for capacity building and development tools, leadership training, technical assistance, coaching, consulting and connection to various ecosystem resources.

JHM’s signature Kingdom Business Development (KBD)© strategy is a dimensional economic development & sufficiency tool that is specifically designed to empower the under-resourced community of Kingdom minded entrepreneurs, in-business owners and ministry leaders inclusive of foreign nationals, immigrant and refugees. Participants are equipped with the tools and resources necessary to develop and operate viable businesses, social enterpries, non-profit organizations and  ministries. We encourage social entrepreneurship to provide necessary financial support and social services for destitute people throughout the world.  To ensure long-term sustainability God provides great "vision" and "creative ideas" and He instructs us to likewise write the vision (Habakuk 2:2); develop the product/service, infrastructure & plans (Jeremiah 29:11).


The KBD Faculty serves to co-labor with fellow join-heirs to bring  "life" to the "vision of Bright Ideas" through a continuum of development resources.  The KBD Residency equipping strategy has established profitable businesses, social enterprises, non-profit corporations and ministries internationally and anticipates introducing more to the marketplace annually.  KBD© is portable to any community of faith throughout the globe. 




Anointed for Business  Fellowship

Anointed for Business Fellowship is a young professionals small group bible study for "Believers" in the workforce who desire to see the love of God impact people's lives where we work and serve on a daily basis.  No matter who you are or where you are employed Christ wants to bring forth and use the "gifts" and "talents"  that God has blessed you with in the marketplace where you work so they can be multiplied  and used to introduce people  to Him in the process.   Christ uses us in practical ways to influence people we encounter in our everyday relationships with co-workers and consumers. There is a harvest of untapped souls waiting to be gathered where you "work" and spend 50% of your daily waking hours.  


If you desire to learn more about marketplace ministry, fellowship in a fun and relaxing atmosphere with believers of like minded faith, share in co-discipling fellow heirs to be used by the Holy Spirit in practical ways at work; or you can just use some intercessory prayer support to strategically overcome workplace drama and challenges come join us. We'd love to have you aboard!    All are welcome regardless of your job title or position, education level, ethnicity, industry, "church" affiliation, etc. The are two options of participation during the week to fellowship, learn and grow together: USA: Tuesday's 6pm to pm; Liberia Chapters: Friday's 3pm-5pm. Click below to learn more.

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